If you believe that playing adsense will be easy and you will earn alot of money, well you are totally wrong. The myth that you will get a huge amount of money is just a scam, don't believe such a scam. This kind of myth is only a propaganda that told by someone that want to make a profit from you who are first time play adsense. This people usually make an e-book and selling it to people who don't have any experiance or new in internet business.
The fact is just soo litle amount of people that have been succeed in this business or other internet business. From my local forum about adsense business, there is so much people that don't survive in this business, less than 20% survived and make a huge profit. All of them failled because they think only by placing google adsense or other adsense program in their website or blog they can make money without doing nothing.
There is some factor that you must do to become success in adsense business. And the main factor and the vital one is your website or blog SEO ( searh engine optimation ). How you can get click on your ad if there is no one or just small amount of people that visit your website or blog. You will need alot of traffic if you want to make profit, because if your website visitors is just less than ten person ( example ), they ( google or other webmaster that support adsense program ) thought that it was a click fraud. They only allowed 5% to 10% click from you visitors, example if you have 1000 visitors than the ad that allowed to be click is 100, cannot over 100.
The fact is just soo litle amount of people that have been succeed in this business or other internet business. From my local forum about adsense business, there is so much people that don't survive in this business, less than 20% survived and make a huge profit. All of them failled because they think only by placing google adsense or other adsense program in their website or blog they can make money without doing nothing.
There is some factor that you must do to become success in adsense business. And the main factor and the vital one is your website or blog SEO ( searh engine optimation ). How you can get click on your ad if there is no one or just small amount of people that visit your website or blog. You will need alot of traffic if you want to make profit, because if your website visitors is just less than ten person ( example ), they ( google or other webmaster that support adsense program ) thought that it was a click fraud. They only allowed 5% to 10% click from you visitors, example if you have 1000 visitors than the ad that allowed to be click is 100, cannot over 100.
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