Most of you must be used paypal for online transaction, actually there is another program besides paypal but the most known online banking is paypal, many people use paypal for online transaction. For US resident or Europe, they usually used paypal for online transaction because all the bank in US and Europe is accepted by paypal. But what about a country that the bank is not accepted by paypal like Indonesia.
Well dont worry, coz today paypal already accepted Indonesia bank, although not all of the bank in Indonesia, but this is great news for you and me especially that live in Indonesia. And not only accepted Indonesian people, now paypal also allowed your ATM card that have Electron Visa logo on it, especially Niaga ATM card. And what about other bank, well i dont know yet, but i'm sure and i hope someday paypal will accepted all Indonesia bank. I think all of you Indonesian internet marketers, and bloggers agree with me right.
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When Will Paypal Verify All Indonesian Bank?
Rabu, 30 Januari 2008
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Label: Make money online
What will going to happen in 2008?
Jumat, 25 Januari 2008
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Label: SEO
Because of internet marketing industry will continue to growth, so it will make Google have alot of money. Altough most of blogger will talk about how much they hate Google, because in year 2008 Google make a new rule for optimizing site or blog that listed on their search engine, and play Google adsense now is difficult too ( see my previous post in here ), but Google will make alot of money because of internet marketing industry growth. My advice is you have to join one of internet marketing program and if you want too, you can promote it through your blog, so you don,t have to quit blogging. ( source : )
SEO in year 2008, Harder or Easyer?
Rabu, 23 Januari 2008
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Label: SEO
Then how about the general topic, like diarry, etc, well i still don't know yet. I hope this rumor is not true, coz this blog is discuss a general topic too. If the rumor is true then for a blogger that have a general topic for their blog must get ready to accept it, and change it to specific topic. Me myself actually already have a specific topic blog, but it's difficult to optimize, coz there is alot of topic like the one i used in my blog. But don't worry, if approved by Google is getting harder then there is still Yahoo, MSN, and other search engine to promote your blog or site.
Am i the beneficiary ?
Selasa, 22 Januari 2008
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Label: Umum
I am Mrs Grace Compaore the bank manager of BANK OF AFRICA (BOA) BURKINA
I am contacting you based on Trust and confidentiality that you will keep this as top secret and don't be scared or surprised, i am the manager of BANK OF AFRICA and i have an opportunity to transfer sum of US$10.5MILLION (TEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED UNITED STATE DOLLARS) I have the courage to look for a reliable and Honest Person who will be capable for this important business Transaction, believing that you will never let me down either now or in Future.
The owner of this account is MR RON MORRIS, foreigner and he is the Manager Of petrol chemical service, a chemical engineer by Proffession.He died with his entire family were among the victims of December 25, 2003 Air-Crash Incident in Benin , The bank has made series of efforts to contact any of the relatives to claim this money but without success, you can confirm through this website: and my Investigation proved to me as well that his company does not know anything About this account. I want to transfer this money into a safe foreign account abroad but I Don't know any foreigner,I know that this message will come to you as a surprise as we don't know ourselves before,but be sure that it is real And A Genuine business. hope that you will never let me down in this transaction, at the conclusion of this business,you will be giving 40% of the total amount, 60% will be for me.
I don't know what to do. Do i have to believe it or not, coz the truth is this is hard to believe. What about you? do you ever receive an email like this? if you do then what are you doing?. If you know something like this then tell me if it true or not.
Contact Information for SEO
Minggu, 20 Januari 2008
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Label: SEO
Contact information for SEO technique, i bet half of you must be new to this technique dont you? well me myself just hear it today. When i was doing some blog walking to a friend blog, he discuss about this technique. According to Matt Cutts, one of the technician from Google, he said that there is 4 important things you have to do to increse your SEO for your blog or website. 4 things that you have to do is original content, personalize, your original contact information, and mobile access.
I dont know why Google want to have our original contact information, maybe they want to check it to make sure it's not a false contact that used to run a online business website or blog. Many people used internet to trick people from online business or scam business website. The truth is, myself sometime when i registered to some website, i'm not giving my original contact, now that i know about this problem i will use my original contact information next time. what about you? have you alredy did it ?
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Boost Your Business With Blogging!
Senin, 14 Januari 2008
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Label: Make money online
Companies engaging in business blogging have a definite edge over its competitors. Here are some advantages:
? Word-of-Mouth. In a survey, there are currently 14 million blogs with 80,000 more being added each day and about 30 percent of the 50 million users are blog readers. Imagine how much gain your company will have, if your products are advertised through blogs. With Internet, information spreads so quickly especially if an impressive write-up goes with your product. Soon your blogs will be passed on to hundreds of possible customers.
? Awareness and loyalty. Open communication with your customers creates trust and loyalty among them. Being there to respond to their questions and comments make them all the more willing to try your products and services.
? Feedback. Blogs is good for product research and reviews. It would be easier to improve on your products if you observe your customers’ thinking and behavioral patterns. You can also take immediate action to your customers’ concerns.
? Community halo-effect. Bloggers are reasonable, friendly and helpful. They are more than willing to create blogosphere of comments regarding your product. The only thing you have to do is embrace and take active part in the culture and your product will surely be considered in their next stop to the supermarket.
For better marketing results, actively promote your business blogs by submitting your blogs to blog search sites and directories. Do not forget to paste in with your blogs, your URL. Be sure that your blogs contain exclusive information with value and are always updated to keep readers popping in, read up your blog, move on to the next and click on again for updates.
The use of sitemap generator
Jumat, 04 Januari 2008
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Label: SEO
Generator sitemap programs can be downloaded from various sources on the Internet. Generator sitemap programs have two fundamental purposes. Generator sitemap programs help surfers navigate a site effectively. At the same time, a generator sitemap program encourages search engine spiders. Google offers one of the most popular generator sitemap programs ever to hit the Internet.
The generator sitemap of google makes it possible for a website to get listed and get updated by the google search engine. Setting up the generator sitemap helps speed up the addition of the web pages of a site to the google listing. The generator sitemap also makes it easier for a site to get noticed by online surfers. In addition, any changes made to a website that has a generator sitemap is immediately picked up by google. The generator sitemap also helps keep online information fresh and up-to-date for users.
Visibility is key to generator sitemap
Visibility is a major concern when using a generator sitemap. A website that is completely indexed has better chances of getting top search engine placement in page results. Many of the popular browsers used by searchers and that support java recognize generator sitemap programs. These include firefox and Internet explorer.
An online consumer that searches for a specific content on the web can immediately be directed to any one of the web pages of a particular site. The generator sitemap makes it easier for a search engine to provide accurate results from web pages they are familiar with.
Who can benefit from a generator sitemap?
A generator sitemap is highly recommended for websites that often do repeated modification of their web pages. A generator sitemap can be used for websites of any size, regardless of the number of web pages a site may contain.
Although using a generator sitemap is not a guarantee of increased site rankings, it does however provide a website a better opportunity of getting listed on a search engine.
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Sitemap Review
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Label: SEO
When i doing some blog walking, i've found that many of internet newbie ( i call them like that, coz they are still fresh to blog or website ) don't know what is sitemap. In here i'll review again about what is sitemap. A sitemap of a website is similar to the table of contents of a book. Sitemaps are important because it guides web surfers to the particular part of the website they have a point of interest in. With it they would save time following links and get right to the point instead.
Sitemaps are also where search engines look at if somebody is looking for a particular keyword or phrase. If you have a site map, you can most likely be searched. Sitemap is vital to a website. People search the web a lot for something. If your website has what that particular person is looking for, and your sitemap reports it, then you have a new customer looking at your items. Not only that, they will see some other things up for sale that they might be interested in as well.
Sitemaps, be it generated by a program automatically or you made it yourself, presents the same purpose. That is to lead your visitors to where they’re likely headed, and for you to be seen on the World Wide Web through search spiders. So with these, make sure your website has a sitemap of its own, lest make one. And if you still ask me about how to create sitemap manually you can see it in my previous post about it here.
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