If you ask me what is the connection betwen second Indonesia President Soeharto and Google adsense, well if you just see it a glance than maybe they don't have any connection at all, but if you see it closely than they have similarity. All Indonesian people must be know Soeharto right. As a second Indonesian President, Soeharto pass away on Sunday Jan/27/2008. And Soeharto has left Indonesia with controversy. Some Indonesian people love him so much because of what he did in his live when he was a General at Indonesian Army ( TNI ) and when he was still a President. But some people hate him too, because of what he did to them when he was a President.
So what is the connection betwen Soeharto and Google adsense?. Well you know the prediction or maybe even the fact about Google adsense in this year. In this year many adsenser ( people that play adsense ) predict that Google adsense will be more difficult to played, because Google tighten the rules. Some Google adsenser disappointed, because some of their site that have Google adsense on it, have been banned by Google without any clear reason. And some Google adsenser still love Google adsense as their number one "get paid to" program. So betwen Soeharto and Google have similarity, both of them loved and hated at the same time. Which one are you? the one that love Google adsense or the one that hate it?.
So what is the connection betwen Soeharto and Google adsense?. Well you know the prediction or maybe even the fact about Google adsense in this year. In this year many adsenser ( people that play adsense ) predict that Google adsense will be more difficult to played, because Google tighten the rules. Some Google adsenser disappointed, because some of their site that have Google adsense on it, have been banned by Google without any clear reason. And some Google adsenser still love Google adsense as their number one "get paid to" program. So betwen Soeharto and Google have similarity, both of them loved and hated at the same time. Which one are you? the one that love Google adsense or the one that hate it?.
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